Summer 1213, To the Covenant!

Byron sought to find out what fate had befallen Gregory, and used a combination of spells and his natural ability in premonitions to scy what had become of him. The resulting vision saw Gregory acting as if drunk, cavorting around the bed chamber of a monk, stealing the Abbot's mitre and then scaling a tall tower that he recognised from Bury pursued by monks. As the sun rose he vanished, leaving the infuriated monks behind. They set off searching, and found Gregory on the path near where they last saw him, nonplussed and unaware of what had happened to him from the moment he met Black Shuck... did he really cavort around Bury Abbey? Noone knows, least of all Gregory...

Soon after dawn the Crimson Cow set off upriver towards the reputedly haunted island. Lucius demonstrated his skill in auram magics to speed the vessel on it's way with favourable winds, and the ship passed a group of monks from Ely Abbey heading down stream who stopped and conversed on friendly terms with Gregory, who obviously knew the Abbot and his clerk, Athanasius.

It was still early in the day when the magi caught their first glimpse of the low mist shrouded isle that was destined to become their new home, but even in that firt glance it was obvious that the eerie isle was haunted, or worse...
