Ars Magica: St Edmundsbury Chronicle, 1180

This is written for my third attempt at an Ars Magica chronicle and is the second set in the Brecklands of Suffolk.

This game is set in 1180, forty years before the standard setting for Ars Magica 4th edition and the excellent Tribunal of Stonehenge but it does draw heavily from Chart's superb supplement. It is not a continuation of the other Dominae Paganus (Lords of the Heath)chronicle, but set thirty years before that game.

Vis Supplies

The Covenant recieves 30 pawns of vis a year, 2 of each Technique and Form.

They are gathered thus:-

Creo - Creo vis is the raw essence of creativity, and is very rare. It can be gathered on any night at Rymer's Point, but only once per year. The requirement is for a mortal poet or musician or storyteller, with the advantage Free Expression to go there, and practice their art with a difficulty of 10. If they suceed a beautiful water nymphs rise from the lake and reward the performance with two tears of shining crystal; the Nymph (whose name is Iseult) cries with joy at the artistry, and her tears fall to the ground to be plucked after she leaves. Iseult will also consider taking the poet (or whatever) as a lover, and may use her seductive wiles to try and woo them into entering into her regio. She only goes for men though, so find a lady who can sing!

Intellego - Knowledge can be found in many places, but the tiny crystal lenses which make up Intellego vis can be found in the Covenants library, nestled somewhere amidst the pages of a book. They reappear on each Spring Equinox, and finding them requires great luck or a systematic search lasting days or weeks.

Muto - on midsummer day Muto vis can be gained from a great silver caterpillar which can be found amidst the Breckland gorse; there are only two caterpillars a year however, and finding them is very difficult!

Perdo - on Halloween, the graveyard at Herrewelle sometimes grows two black mushrooms; they can be gathered for their vis. The Necromancer may object however!

Rego the source of Rego Vis is perhaps the most dangerous for magi to obtain, for the vis can only be found on Easter Sunday under the Abbot's throne in the Abbbey Church, where it takes the form of two silver coins of the Roman era, bearing the head of Caesar. Removing it could prove hazardous!

Animal - this can be gained by finding the brass horseshoes which are somewhere in Thetford Horse Market, in the first thursday of June.

Aquam - at Livermere the lapping of the mere on Midsummer's Night often produces two tiny aquamarine dragonflies, which are pure vis. Beware the faeries holding court however, for they will often try to temp people into their regio.

Auram - outside of Hartest is the highest hill in Suffolk; when the gale shrieks here and the moon rises over the storm two silver bird are sometimes seen. These are the auram vis!

Corpus - 2 pawns of Corpus vis are found in the umbilical cord of the first born baby on Christmas Day in Bury St Edmunds. A difficult task, but not impossible.

Herbam - the first day of spring sees two tiny pink flowers frow amidst the Six Elms. Just avoid the faeries frolicking there!

Ignem - two tiny rubylike jewels can be found in the Smith's forge at dawn on Lammas (August 1st) in the vilaage of Bradfield, south of Bury. (In what later becomes known as Bradfield Combust.) The problem is convincing the Smith to forge something at that hour!

Mentem - the vis can be gathered from the wisdom of a fool; in fact the village fool of Brandona, who is Cerdic. The exact form of the vis varies from year to year, but it can only be gained on April 1st.

Terram - flint arrowheads containing terram vis can be found in Grimes Graves, in the central pit, on the third day without rain in summer.

Vim - this is the easiest of all; the vis is found in the form of tiny sparks which dance around the covenant on the night of Midwinter.

The hunt for vis and arrangements for collecting it in future years make up the first four seasons of the Chronicle.

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